Hymns for a Catholic funeral
If you're planning a Catholic funeral, here you'll find a list of the most popular Catholic hymns.

Catholic funerals almost always have lots of music - usually during the entry procession, the psalm, offertory, communion, and during the exit procession (recessional).
Very often there will be a rendition of Ave Maria during the procession or the offertory. The version by Schubert is the most popular, but the Caccini and Gounod versions are beautiful alternatives.
For communion, Pie Jesu (either the Lloyd Webber version or Fauré’s version), Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus, and Franck’s Panis Angelicus are very popular.
These are all challenging pieces however, designed to be sung only by a confident or professional soloist. You can hear our singers performing them on our Listen page.
The rest of the music is made up of popular hymns that the congregation can easily sing together with the organ. We’ve put together a list of the most popular hymns for Catholic funerals for you to choose from. If the hymn fits a particular part of the Mass you’ll see it listed in brackets.
Abide With Me (Entry procession)
Amazing Grace
As I Kneel Before You (Offertory)
Be Not Afraid (Psalm)
Be Thou My Vision
Christ Be Beside Me
Do Not Be Afraid
Going Home (Recessional)
Here I Am Lord / I, the Lord of sea and sky (Psalm)
How Great Thou Art / O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder (Entry procession)
In Bread We Bring You Lord (Offertory)
I Watch The Sunrise
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
May The Choirs Of Angels (Final hymn/Recessional)
Nearer My God To Thee (Recessional)
On Eagles Wings (Psalm)
Soul Of My Saviour (Communion)
The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psalm)
This Is My Body
Book a singer or choir for a Catholic funeral Mass
Looking for Irish songs? See our list of Irish songs for funerals.
Need more inspiration?
Check out our articles to find more funeral music inspiration