Song suggestions for a full choir
Our most popular funeral songs and hymns for a choir of eight.

We don't have a set repertoire list and we'll sing anything you choose. But if you need some ideas, here are our clients' most popular choices. You can hear some of these songs on our Listen page.
Your congregation can join in on these, with the choir leading them.
Abide With Me
All Things Bright And Beautiful
Amazing Grace
Be Not Afraid
Be Thou My Vision
Bread of Life, Truth Eternal
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Do Not Be Afraid
Going Home (from Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9)
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer
He Who Would Valiant Be
Here I Am, Lord
How Great Thou Art
I Vow To Thee My Country
Immortal, Invisible
Lord Of All Hopefulness
Lord of the Dance
Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Morning Has Broken
On Eagles’ Wings
Praise My Soul The King of Heaven
Sing Hosanna
Soul of my Saviour, Sanctify My Breast
Take My Hand, Precious Lord
The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended
The Lord’s My Shepherd (Crimond)
The Old Rugged Cross
Thine Be The Glory
This Is My Body
Performance pieces
To be performed by just the choir on their own.
A Gaelic Blessing (Rutter)
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
Be Still My Soul (Sibelius, Finlandia tune)
Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon and Garfunkel)
Calon Lân (trad. Welsh)
Do Not Be Afraid (Stopford)
For the Beauty of the Earth (Rutter)
Gaelic Blessing (Rutter)
God Be In My Head (Davies)
Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau/Land of My Fathers (trad. Welsh)
Hallelujah (Cohen)
I Cannot Tell (Londonderry Air)
In Paradisum (Fauré)
Irish Blessing (Chilcott)
Locus Iste (Bruckner)
Love Divine (Goodall)
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G (Stanford)
Men of Harlech (trad. Welsh)
My Lovely One (Finzi)
O My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose (Burns/Carrington)
Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Sanctus (Fauré)
The Long Day Closes (Arthur Sullivan)
The Lord Bless You And Keep You (Rutter)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Goodall)
We’ll Meet Again (Vera Lynn)
You Raise Me Up (Secret Garden/Josh Groban/Westlife)
You’ll Never Walk Alone (from Carousel)
Did you know that one member of the choir could perform a solo song as one of your pieces? Browse our song suggestions for a solo singer
Book a full choir
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